
소셜 네트워킹의 16가지 유형.

신비(@sinbi)님 소개로 알게 된 클라우트(www.klout.com)라는 재미있는 사이트가 있다. 트위터와 페이스북 등 소셜 네트워크 서비스에서 영향력을 측정하는 서비스인데 나름 공신력을 인정 받고 있는 듯. 미국 기업들은 크라우트 지수가 높은 방문자에게 경품을 제공하는 이벤트를 벌이기도 한다고. 뉴욕타임즈는 소셜 네트워크의 영향력이 온라인 카스트 제도가 되는 것 아니냐고 비꼬기도 했다.

크라우트 스타일이라는 게 흥미로운데 4가지 척도로 16가지 유형을 구분한다. ‘Listening’과 ‘Participating’, ‘Casual’과 ‘Consistent’, ‘Broad’와 ‘Focused’, 그리고 ‘Sharing’과 ‘Creating’ 등.

이정환은 ‘Thought Leader’에 해당한다는데.

1. Curator : You highlight the most interesting people and find the best content on the web and share it to a wide audience. You are a critical information source to your network.
2. Broadcaster :You broadcast great content that spreads like wildfire. You are an essential information source in your industry.
3. Taste Maker: You know what you like and your audience likes it too.
4. Celebrity: You can’t get more influent than this.
5. Syndicator: You keep tabs on what’s trending & who’s important to watch.
6. Feeder : Your audience relies on you for a steady flow of information about your industry or topic.
7. Thought Leader: You are a thought leader in your industry. Your followers rely on you, not only to share the relevant news, but to give your opinion on the issues.
8. Pundit: You don’t just share news, you create news. As a pundit, your opinions are wide-spread and highly trusted.
9. Dabbler: You might just be starting out with the social web or maybe you’re not that into it.
10. Conversationalist: You love to connect and always have the inside scoop. Good conversation is not just a skill, it’s an art.
11. Socializer : You are the hub of social scenes and people count on you to find out what’s happening.
12. Networker: You know how to connect to the right people and share what’s important to your audience.
13. Observer : You don’t share very much, but you follow the social web more than you let on.
14. Explorer: You actively engage in the social web, constantly trying out new ways to interact and network.
15. Activist: You’ve got an idea or cause you want to share with the world and you’ve found the perfect medium for it.
16. Specialist: You may not be a celebrity, but within your area of expertise you opinion is second to none.

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