
세계의 인터넷 카페 이용요금 비교.

Internet cafes are often heralded as a simple route online. But in many countries, the cost of one hour of Internet access can wipe out a day’s wage. This map shows sample hourly rates at Internet cafes and the percentage of people living on $1 per day in 26 nations.

인터넷 카페, 피시방 한 시간 사용요금 비교. 지도의 색깔은 하루 1달러 미만으로 사는 사람들의 인구 비율.

(클릭해서 크게 보세요.)

Country Rate in U.S.$/hour
Afghanistan $1.00
Algeria $1.40
Argentina $3.00
Australia $7.50
Austria $6.00
Azerbaijan $1.10
Bangladesh $1.70
Bhutan $4.20
Bolivia $1.00
Brazil $3.45
Canada $4.30
Cayman Islands $7.20
Chile $3.00
China $2.50
Colombia $3.00
Cuba $1.50
Dominican Republic $1.15
Egypt $1.50
Ghana $0.60
Guatamala $1.50
Haiti $2.50
India $1.35
Indonesia $0.66
Iran $3.00
Israel $4.00
Japan $7.50
Kazakhstan $1.50
Kenya $2.28
Lebanon $2.75
Libya $2.25
Mexico $2.25
Namibia $2.48
New Zealand $5.25
Nicaragua $2.00
Nigeria $5.40
Pakistan $0.60
Panama $2.00
Philipines $2.00
Qatar $3.00
Russia $3.00
Saudi Arabia $6.60
Singapore $5.00
Sweden $6.45
Tunisia $2.20
Turkey $0.50
United Kingdom $7.00
United States $5.00
Vietnam $3.00

출처 : 포린 폴리시. http://www.foreignpolicy.com/story/files/story2594.php

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